Friday, March 09, 2007

Checkmate, Locke is a Loser

Ultimate Lost RecapSayid found a new Dharma outpost, "The Flame", as well as a map to another outpost, "The Barracks". Locke screws up several times, resulting in a death and the destruction of "The Flame".

Was Locke ever responsible? A long time ago he had this mysterious understanding, but as more time passes he is clearly an idiot. He makes stupid decisions but he somehow thinks he knows best. He was a little more independent in season 1, but since they found the hatch he became a little helpless.

Stupid Locke Decision (SLD) #1: How many times does he need to accidentally let a prisoner escape before he starts paying attention? The guy appears to be unconscious and is tied up, so he goes and plays computer chess? Are you kidding? Worst guard ever. Sayid gave him a look later that implies he will never trust him to be responsible again.

SLD #2: Entering "77". Did he really not think there would be consequences? The entire second season of the show was based around mindlessly entering some numbers in a computer, and when he decided it wasn't important the entire hatch imploded and Desmond got shot into the future/past/something. So of course he doesn't think twice before telling the computer that the station had been overtaken. OF COURSE it will self-destruct, as apparently all the stations are wired to do.

I forget that Sayid is one of the few smart characters that actually makes good decisions. He needs to be involved in all group decisions, as he tends to be right (except the whole approaching with no weapons thing). He actually took something of value from the Dharma basement- wow, a smart decision by a character. How refreshing.

How many times has Kate lost her temper and punched someone in the face?

The side story was nice, showing some decent Hurley / Sawyer interaction. It didn't take up too much time, and they wrapped it up well. Good job.

The back story was pointless. We know Sayid was a torturer and feels bad about it. He's given clemency to prisoners before, so the back story doesn't add anything. Really pointless. We have long since passed the point where the back stories were clearly thought out before the show was created, and the writers are now being forced to come up with back story to fill time. Possibly at gun point.

Why did the dude shoot that lady? WTF? That makes no sense. I'm betting we'll never find out, either. What the crap could be worth her dying? It makes no sense. None. And why did the guy shoot Sayid in the shoulder? If he saw him coming, was that his whole plan? Why not just kill him? Why not lure him inside and then kill him? Again, no sense.

All in all, not a horrendous episode. The pacing was okay and the decisions by characters were reasonable for the most part. It is too bad that we haven't actually gotten any closer to finding anything out. I'm still sticking with the "writers are figuring it out as they go along" approach.


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