Michael Sucks, Jack Sucks
The characters of Michael and Jack continue to be freaking lame morons. Michael steals some guns and runs off, throwing Jack and Lock in the sealed gun room. They would have let him go by himself, which is a stupid idea, but he's a dumb dumb person. His character is so terrible. He makes horrible decisions and I'm not sure why anyone likes him. I'm not sure why he wants Walt back so bad, he still won't know how to raise him.
Jack is just the worst person in the world. He doesn't know how to talk to anyone, and gets pissed off all the time and just acts like a 2 year old in general. He has foolish illusions of grandeur, and some kind of stupid sense of purpose. He is constantly suprised when everyone acts differently than he expects them to, which is always. Classic scene: he and Lock and Sawyer are surrounded by about 30 Others (with guns in the dark), and yet he refuses to surrender. Man, even Yul Brenner surrendered in the Magnificent Seven when *he* was highly outnumbered. You regroup and fight another day, you jackass.
A few moments of laughter from Hurley, who I miss. A few moments of cool, courtesy of Zeke and the Others. This show can be decent when it wants to be. But I'm completely done with the flashbacks already. I don't give two craps about 90% of the characters, and knowing more of their backstory just makes them less mysterious and more lame. That was something really cool about season 1, when everyone seemed mysterious and complicated. Now we realize they're all just people who have screwed up their own lives through poor decision making, and that isn't very mysterious.
Jack is just the worst person in the world. He doesn't know how to talk to anyone, and gets pissed off all the time and just acts like a 2 year old in general. He has foolish illusions of grandeur, and some kind of stupid sense of purpose. He is constantly suprised when everyone acts differently than he expects them to, which is always. Classic scene: he and Lock and Sawyer are surrounded by about 30 Others (with guns in the dark), and yet he refuses to surrender. Man, even Yul Brenner surrendered in the Magnificent Seven when *he* was highly outnumbered. You regroup and fight another day, you jackass.
A few moments of laughter from Hurley, who I miss. A few moments of cool, courtesy of Zeke and the Others. This show can be decent when it wants to be. But I'm completely done with the flashbacks already. I don't give two craps about 90% of the characters, and knowing more of their backstory just makes them less mysterious and more lame. That was something really cool about season 1, when everyone seemed mysterious and complicated. Now we realize they're all just people who have screwed up their own lives through poor decision making, and that isn't very mysterious.
Whew! Fortunately I got in before anyone else could comment! :)
Jack is terrible. I'm just going through it for the first time and I really hate him. I'm suffering through it because so many people told me it was good. I'm mid way through the 2nd season and I honestly don't have a good reason to tell you why I'm still watching it. It's just that there are so many people whose opinions I respect who have been telling me and telling me how great it is. I've avoided hearing any details about it, but between the unrelenting biblical references, allusions, and stories and the not-at-all-subtle nod to The Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, the show basically spoils itself. All that's left are the insufferable characters.
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to sympathize with Jack, but he clearly wants to be a dictator. I think, though, that I'm supposed to identify with him and "understand" that he really knows whats best for everyone. Any attempt to challenge his authority is framed as a Bad Thing.
Michael-- I think I get him. He was a shitty dad, but he didn't want to be a dad but didn't want to be thought of as a shitty dad who didn't want to be a dad. Now his whole motivation is to go through the motions of caring about Walt not because he cares, but because he wants to be perceived as caring. He's trying to prove something and actually fathering is a distant second. The only people he really gets mad at are people who A) Care for walt and inadvertently become father figures (Locke) and B) Actually do something to protect walt (Sawyer). He's obnoxious for the most part.
The writers have no idea how to create tension... here's the formula:
Misunderstanding -> Guns pointed at someone -> Yelling -> Flashback so we can see why character is damaged -> Gun pointing interrupted by more yelling from a 3rd party -> Others. When things get too calm, someone has to show up to get a gun pointed at them so yelling can ensue.
It's lazy. And I have a feeling that Bible + Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge are going to sum up what is going on fairly well. It also seems like it could have some Jacob's Ladder business going on (the film and probably the real ascent to heaven crap).
I want to quit, but... blerg. So far there are 3 characters I don't fast forward past: Locke, Hurley, and Eko. Everyone else annoys the bejesus out of me.
Watching it for the first time. Michael is annoying, selfish, and a whiner. The plot is convoluted to the point of being murky. 47 people in the Jack camp and 23 in the Anna Lucia camp. About 20 die - approximately 1/3. Why why why? is Michael alive. There is no hope for the ending in sight. I'm on season 2 episode 18. Will Michael die? Just tell me and I will keep watching. :)
I won't tell you if Michael dies but I will tell you to keep watching
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