Saturday, December 03, 2005

Lost Sucks

Okay, there are a couple of blogs dedicated to bitching about Lost out there already, but they're pretty whiny and don't really break down *why* the show sucks. If you think the entire show is really stupid, don't watch. I hate Lost because the mystery of the show is fairly intriguing, but the way it is being presented is like being poked in the eyes with chapstick tubes, over and over (it's bad, trust me).

I saw the first season when it came out on DVD from Netflix, going through it in about 8 days or so. That's really the way to go, because the interminable "Continued..." shows aren't nearly as bad when you can just pop the next one in. Yeah, the flashbacks were sometimes lame, and some of the shows didn't advance the plot, but as a whole the season was pretty decent.

It's possible the show was just like this last season, and it's possible it's gotten worse. At any rate, I will post every night after Lost airs a new episode, and try and actually provide some insight.

At this point they appear to be going out of their way to piss off everyone who actually likes the show, which is a very bad idea. Yes, I will probably keep watching because I am curious what will happen, but the direction the show is going is making me want to stop watching, which is not what you want in TV's #1 Show. The whole "let's end at 10:05 so TiVo Viewers get screwed" is so incredibly stupid- it amounts to kicking people that are interested in the show in the nuts. I would think you just want as many people watching as possible, and then you would build off that loyalty.

At any rate, I'll do my best to not whine too much.


At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I just got Lost on Netflix too after hearing all the hype about it. At first, I was bored--the characters were lame and the flashbacks were so tedious. But I'm on Disc 5 right now and the pacing and exposition is much better than in the first few episodes, but from what I hear the following season are draining. I live in Hawaii and I know someone who works for the show and they gets to see the scripts (doesn't tell me a thing); we discuss how much Lost sucks in terms of character. Well, from our conversations, it seems to me that this show would have been much better if it had been treated like Law and Order episodes; you know with likable yet interesting core characters and complex villians put always at the heart about plot. However, Lost would have to deal with two plotlines, but you get my point. I think three or four season would have been sufficent. I totally agree with you, I don't care about the characters. I think the characters should be the way we learn about the mystery of the island (which is what we really care about). In other words, the characters are should be vehicles for the plot. I know that's like not cool to do in TV these days, but with all the magical realism, I think we can take a break from character for this show. I think a few peppered flashbacks that bring more mystery and answers are good, but to build character well that's just weak writing! Anyway, I'm glad I happened up on your blog. I will be checking back though I refuse to watch Lost during real time--it would kill me to know the "answers" won't be out till 2010.

At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really is a shame how Lost has completely lost its edge. The story was so fresh and captivating in the beginning, now it's just a lame, slow-paced show that is so extreme and unreal that I am literally ill to my stomach that the writers have not had their butts fired from the network yet. If Lost just kept their direction, it wouldn't feel so scatter-brained, which is why I no longer list Lost as my favorite show anymore.

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like House from time to time, but I get quickly tired of it because it is clear that the writers are extremely emotional and uncontrollable people. Common doctors and common mature people has the ability of controlling emotions and talk problems. This kind of writers seem to think that self control is impossible. Of course, it is attractive to listen superficial linguistic battles of vulgar people, but they don't occur at that point on real life - or maybe yes, in some families where ignorance is high, lucky me that I know to recognize ignorant volatile explosive idiots very quickly and get quickly far from them. If you don't know when to get distance of this kind of people you will have a miserable life. Sadly, it seems that they are a lot more of this people than I believe. And they become TV soap opera writers an get very good money. If it is not incredible for you, you may pertain that category and need to read books. Life is a lot much better and has far more beautiful things to get occupied with.

Lost has that problem and others in addition. That's why I rented it and stopped looking at the end of S1. The first additional problem to reflecting the superficial lives of the writers is that Lost camera men uses the cheap trick of trembling when there is some action. Probably it means an economy on special effects - you put a bad manufactured false bear and the cameras get fast-moved scenes of it. So people has the impression of a bear. But for me that just reflect silly - people of seeing problems-quick and fuzzy. Intelligent people focus problems clearly and slowly. But I already said that this just reflect the superficial lives of modern writers. They believe that this kind of silly problems are dealt with while performing surgery.

That's, basically it. If you enjoyed it you are probably living between ignorant savages who never learned to behave properly from their own parents. Sorry to know that. I had the luck of growing in a family to taught me to react property to problems an get far from problematic people. In simple words, if you liked Lost, probably you don't know how to handle with problems, you tend to explode easily and think that all other people are exactly like you. Nope, you're wrong. We don't like people like you.

At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry by the last phrase on the second paragraph, it was added at the end and pertains to the end of paragraph 1. But more things. I like writing because it helps thinking.

If you liked Lost, you are one more on the mass of ignorant people, the majority of voters, of consumers, of workers, who do things and take decisions based on what the mass does. But you can get out of that dirt.

Read books - not novels, they are just Lost packed on a book-. Rrad essays. Read the classics, you will assist to masterclasses of how good people behave. React strongly against idiots like the characters of Lost or House. Confront your parents when they are wrong, and if they insist, get far from them. A lot of people is religiously an dogmatically attached to their parents, that's because they never find love like in family. Well, it exists, and it is a lot bigger than you can imagine. But you will never get it if you behave like a character in Lost.

Get near to people who think, who does things in calm, reflecting - even if they are poor -.

If not, you will waste your life.


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