It Was The Blurst Of Times
Wow, that was boring. Hurley found a car on the island, which was actually kind of cool. Although it felt like I was watching Little Miss Sunshine, what with the VW van having to roll down the hill to start and all. Hurley's back story revealed that he had a deadbeat dad (played by Cheech), but we didn't actually learn anything about him. Well, except that his Mr. Chicken restaurant was destroyed by a meteor.
And "The Reunion Everyone has been Waiting For" was apparently when Kate and Sawyer came back. If the staff of Lost thinks that anyone cared about that reunion, they are sadly mistaken.The only thing of actual substance in the show was the last 90 seconds, when Kate went into the woods to find the French woman. Kate then revealed that she thinks Alex is the Frenchie's daughter, but she says it in a way like it's supposed to be shocking- then they cut to the NEEEEUUUURRRR-BOOM sound, end credits. I was confused- we've known that she was her daughter for like 2 years, right? She can't possibly be unaware that she's alive, right? Even if it's shocking to Frenchie, why would the pretend like *we* would be surprised?
This show was complete filler. The last scene could have happend in the first 2 minutes of a decent episode. It is clear that ABC hates the viewers of Lost.
Dear ABC,
You have a show that is interesting because of a mysterious plot. The characters on the show are horrible, and we don't care about them. Please continue revealing the mysterious plot, but it had better not be stupid. We are starting to think that you are completely full of it.
Your (Dwindling) Viewers
PS Kill at least 3 main characters, NOW!
PPS WTF happened to Walt? Wasn't he part of the show for a while or something?
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